
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fairytale Graphic Organizers

While we are on our mini Spring Break, I am looking ahead to our last thematic unit of the year~~~Our Fairytale Unit!  We have taught this unit in May for the past four years and LOVE it!  We use this theme to really focus on Story Elements - characters, setting, plot, beginning, middle, ending, etc. of a story.  I thought I would try out a few organizers that I plan on using this year.  I will post new documents to include with this unit pronto.  See what you think!

***I have noticed that my Scribd documents are showing a plain (boring!) font but when you click to download, the document will appear with the FUN font that I used while making said document!  FYI***

Fairytale Graphic Organizers


  1. We start a fairy tale unit tomorrow! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I am loving the graphic organizers! I know we learned about charts light years ago in college, but all of these maps/charts/organizers are new to me. I've seen them and used a few, but never knew about training, books, etc. to teach me more! Do you have any information on using the different charts within your lessons? I think my brain is on overload. Have you seen the site on Think Maps? Let me know what you think. I would love to go for training!

  3. Julie I just love how creative you are!!!

  4. I'm looking back at this for the third time and wishing I had not rushed through my Fairytales unit! This year has been a blur - I feel like it has FLOWN by and I wasn't able to do some of the units justice! I'm saving these ideas for next year! LOVE it!!!

  5. Thank you, girls! I still have another week until we begin our fairytale unit and I am still trying to decide exactly how I want to organize it...

    Suzan, I am rethinking a lot of things for next year, too. I know I will use these graphic organizers much sooner-the effect they have had on the children's writing has amazed me. We HAVE to get together this summer for our own Kindergarten Workshop!!


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