
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Break/School Prep Part Deux!

Well, in my never ending quest to ATTEMPT to remain organized and calm (ha!) I have updated most of my forms, letters, charts, etc. to have ready to copy when we go back for teacher workdays.   I will post them here through Scribd.  I hope they help!


Once we get our class lists (and yes, this is usually just a few days before school actually begins so this is always a JUST BARELY MADE IT sort of thing!).  Even still, the children love to get a letter from the teacher before school officially begins.  I did not come up with this format, I did find it on the internet a few years ago and would give credit if I remembered where I found it!  :) 

Welcome Letter2

I also like to send a letter of encouragement to my students beginning First Grade. I want them to know that I am thinking about them and wish them well! I print this on school themed computer paper that I usually find at Dollar Tree this time of year.

K Former Student Letter

Here is a copy of my handbook that I provide for each parent. I send this home in each child's BEE binder on the first day of school. I do have a Parent Signature page on the back of the Handbook to be sent back for my records. This alleviates MANY negative issues throughout the year. It is all there in black and white! :)

Kindergarten Handbook 1


  1. This is a very cute idea! I might have to bite this one.

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