
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year and Snowman Nonsense Words!

Hi all!!  I didn't actually drop off the face of the earth, I just acted like it! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year's Day.  I'm in the midst of cleaning up Christmas but the new semester is looming and I felt the need to work on school stuff.  So....I just put together a very simple nonsense word activity. Not enough brain power to come up with an amazing game but this will be a good "Go-To" Activity during literacy center rotations.  The kids can practice reading the words with a partner and then record them on the half sheet.

***On a very exciting note....we are on day 170 of my husband's deployment to Afghanistan!!  Two weeks from today, I will be on a plane to meet him in London for a few days!!  This CAN'T be my life!  Pinch me, I have to be dreaming.  Now, just to whip out a week's worth of lesson plans and I'm off...

Thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers, they have meant a great deal. :)

Snowman Nonsense Words


  1. Thank you so much for this! Having just completed my DIBELS testing, this couldn't have come at a better time!

    I'm so very excited for you! A whole week in London - with your husband! My husband just retired after 28 years in so I feel your pain. Have an awesome time and make lots of memories!!

  2. Oh, wow, you do feel my pain, Sheila! 28 years is a long time for service, congratulations on his retirement! My husband did retire this March and is over there on a govt. contract job-it's amazing how it really doesn't feel much different! I will be thankful to have him home, the trip is definitely the icing on the cake.

    I hope the nonsense word activity serves it's purpose...benchmark, benchmark, benchmark! Right?!

  3. Hey there, my friend -

    We are about to ship some packages to our favorite soldiers; I'd be happy to send one to your husband if you want to send his address. Thank you BOTH (and your girls!) for your service and sacrifice.

    gruenergang (at)

  4. That is wonderful of you to think of us, Barbara! Greg will actually be leaving to come home! I will tell him of your kind thoughts and I know the soldiers who receive your packages will appreciate them so very much.

  5. YAY - I'm so glad he's coming home!!! We just got this amazing thank-you note from a soldier in Bagram and it always floors me, them, thanking us. We cannot BEGIN to adequately express our gratitude!!

  6. ooh - can you tell me how you get your scribd document full view like that?? mine is scrunch up until you click on it.



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