
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekly Newsletter #11

October 25-October 29, 2010

From Mrs. Hicks' desk…


This Weeks' Focus

We will continue our study of pumpkins this week but will also include our study of the 1950's time period. We will discuss what it would have been like to live during this time-what did children play with, how did they dress, what did they eat, what did they read, how did they get to school, etc. It will be an exciting week of activities! We will have daily rotations in the afternoon where the children will be able to play with slinkies, jacks, Mr. Potato Heads, Playdoh, Lincoln Logs and Silly Putty. We will read Peanuts comic strips, Dick and Jane books and Little Golden books like Nurse Nancy and The Poky Little Puppy. On Monday we will have our own Soda Shop where we will enjoy music, Jell-O and Coca-Cola in bottles! How exciting!

Language Arts

We will continue our study of animal habitats with our story Bear Snores On this week. Ask your child about the ocean, orange grove and grasslands habitats we have studied so far!

Amazing Words

sleep, winter, cave

woods, storm, blustery

Sight Words

we, my, like



Important Dates

10/25- 50's Day!

10/25 Family Reading Night at 6:00pm

11/11-Veteran's Day

**no school**




All written homework is due on Friday.

1. Practice reading Sight Words.

2. Read Family Times magazine.

3. Complete Letter Naming Page.

4. Complete 4 Day Homework Page.


* practice making ABC patterns using a variety of items

* practice recognizing coins and their amounts * practice place value and counting by tens

* practice measurement of everyday items

* identify and count to the number 50

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