I can't say enough about all of the wonderful help that our classroom receives from others. Not only do we have some fantastic parents but we also have middle school peer mentors, a sweet volunteer from our neighboring church and "alumni" that come over to help. What a blessing to be thankful for this Christmas.
Kionna, a middle school peer mentor that has been helping in my room since she was a fourth grader! |
Kennedy, also a peer mentor, who is my right hand in the afternoon when sanity is quickly draining! |
Brittney and a friend from Fourth Grade.
Brittney was in my very first Kindergarten Class at Providence! |
My oldest daughter, Shanley, home from college on Christmas Break coming to help with Handprint Santas.
With her is another alum, Raven, from my class last year. |
Christine and Morgan lend a helping hand with last minute projects! |
Mrs. Lawson is in her second year coming to read to my students. They LOVE their time with her and I am so thankful to have her help. She instills a love of reading in the children. What a gift.
Alright, for next year, you might want to keep these projects in mind. Maisha Booker made these fleece scarves for her students as her Christmas gift to them. I love it! So clever and she said they were very simple. |
Ms. Booker recommends using about 2 1/2 yards of fleece for app. 20 students. She just cut them into strips and knotted the ends. |
They turned out great and her children were adorable wearing their new scarves the next day at school! |
Ms. Booker and her students made these Christmas Tree pot holders as their parent gift. I love how colorful they are and you can't go wrong with the children's hand prints! |
This was a Christmas scrapbook page that I framed as a thank you to my Parent Volunteers.
Next is a Holiday Counting Book that Ms. Booker made with her class. |
I used this Christmas Tree pattern page from Deanna Jump's Santa unit on our last day. We patterned with Skittles. |
We also practiced positional patterning with candy canes. |
This idea and the worksheet came from April Larremore's unit
on The Polar Express. |
Diligently writing the AB pattern down! |
Enjoying that last candy cane! |
I thought that I would share with you a Christmas photo from waaaaaay back of some of my sweetest friends. On the far left you will see my friend, Suzan, from Krazy for Kindergarten! Good times...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! |