Enjoying ice cream outside to celebrate our hard work for the year...
Shanley and Delaney stopped by to see my class-they are always game for a silly picture!

Everyone dressed as a fairytale character for our Fairytale Ball!
We study fairytales for the last month of our school year. We learned about elements of a fairytale and compared and contrasted different versions of fairytales.
We make a Fairytale Book with the children's writings and art projects about The Three Little Pigs, The Frog Prince, Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White. We learn map skills with Hansel and Gretel and plant seeds for Jack and the Beanstalk. We even talk about stranger danger with Little Red Riding Hood!
We conclude the study with our Fairytale Ball. We start with a parade around the building for the upper grades to see our costumes! With parent help, we have the school stage/cafeteria decorated and the children rotate to three different stations. Everyone makes and decorates a foam crown, sings fairytale songs and dances and enjoys a cupcake with punch and has their photo taken.
A fun way to end the school year after state testing is OVER! This is our third year and we plan to continue this fun tradition!
Wow! It is hard to believe that another school year has ended. It sure went by quickly... It is funny how there is SO much to do to close out a school year and as soon as the dust settles all I can think of are things I can get done over the summer for next year! Tell that to my giant pile of laundry...